Friday, July 30, 2021

Fear wears a groove in our brain

 Is Fear worth worrying about?

When we are fearful about something it has a way of infecting other areas of our life until we become anxious about all sorts of unrelated things.  Fear ‘wears a groove’ in our brain so that our default reaction repeatedly becomes one of apprehension.  Covid has provided a permanent source of anxiety.  It’s come to dominate our lives and now we worry about stuff that might never have occurred to us before.  Will the children be safe on the beach?  Are there going to be traffic jams?  What if I don’t get to work on time? Is there enough food in the house if one of us gets pinged by the Covid app?  Life takes on a nightmare quality, haunted by constant anxiety of something going wrong.

Of course our concerns may be valid and rational but when fear is dominant in the brain then we lose our sense of proportion.  Taking Mimulus (or any combination of appropriate remedies, such as Red Chestnut for worrying about others) helps us to see things in perspective. It doesn’t remove our legitimate concerns but it stops us from fretting unnecessarily.  Mimulus soothes our fears and enables us to face life with courage.

Mary Oliver's poem, 'I worried', is a memorable example of pointless excessive worrying.  View it on my Facebook page at

Monday, July 19, 2021

Apathy - when we have lost all motivation


There are times when we feel so flat that we cannot put a name to it. It may not be clinical depression but we feel numb, indifferent.  Our lack of energy makes us feel permanently tired which in itself stops us from finding a solution.

This state of affairs may stem from a long-standing situation or series of stresses or there may be no apparent cause.  But the fact is, we are apathetic, so resigned to how life is that we can hardly discern anything needs changing. In this state of ill-being we are not actually living in the present.  Our focus is adrift, it no longer seems to belong to us.  As Tessa Jordan, BFRP, expresses it, ‘We have given away our power’.  Without that power we are unable to love,  create, and find joy.

There may be many areas in our life where we feel unable to exert any power, but control over our thoughts and outlook is always ours and ours alone.  No-one can take that away from us.  But to manifest our freedom of choice, we need to bring our focus and energy into the present so that we can 'wake up' and find the motivation to reclaim our power.   The flower essence to help with that is Wild Rose.

Mimulus: tuning out the fear rhetoric

Remember the John Lennon song about a new year just begun? ‘Let’s hope it’s a good one, without any fear.’   If that hope seems vain at pres...