Monday, September 12, 2022

A-Z of Emotional Resilience - new book

I'm pleased to be able to announce the launch of my new book, A-Z of Emotional Resilience.

When negative emotions become an ingrained part of our lives they can be detrimental to health, especially if we try to ignore or suppress them. But with the right tools it is possible to overcome our tendency to guilt, rage, resentment and other destructive feelings.

This booklet discusses 50 difficult emotions and introduces the concept of relieving them by using nature’s healing plants, five of which may be already known to you as the world-famous Rescue Remedy®. 

By choosing from the complete range of 38 Bach Flower Remedies we can reclaim balance and clarity, restoring our mental well-being. This book advises how and when they can be used to raise our vibrations and provide emotional resilience.

40 pages including a complete descriptive list of the flower remedies for reference. To order contact me by email - see About Me in the the right hand pane - and pay by PayPal.  The price is £4.00 including UK 2nd class postage. Outside the UK, please enquire.  For a downloadable pdf click the link on my website - see under 'My complete profile' in the right hand pane.

Burnout and what to do next

Lexicographer Susie Dent tweeted the word ‘dumfungled’. From the 19 th Century it means, she wrote, ‘used up, worn out, and entirely spent....