Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Quantum physics and Bach Flower Remedies

The beauty of quantum field theory is that, in essence, it is stunningly simple.  It considers that the universe is basically just force fields of energy. If we imagine them as fluids[1], you and I and are just waves on the ocean of existence.  Where the ocean ‘ripples’ into clusters, there we have particles which in turn form the building blocks we call atoms and molecules. These coalesce into forms we call the 120+ elements of the Periodic Table, of which everything – human and non-human – is constructed.[2]

For the last few centuries the scientific approach was to try and analyse everything down to its smallest possible components – atoms of oxygen, carbon and so on.  This concept – identify and measure everything – isolated and placed humans above the rest of the living world and formed the basis of classical physics.[3]

But opening our minds to other possibilities has prompted us (latterly) to consider the universe as one living entity; and quantum physics is the science working to prove that, via intricate and breathtakingly complicated mathematical equations.  Quantum theory is taking the credit for iterating an ages-old idea that we are all One[4], and so is every other life-form and sub-life form (rocks, gases, etc) in existence. We thought we were discrete objects in space; turns out we are space – since atoms are almost wholly space – as is every other creature or object. As Albert Einstein phrased it so lyrically, “We are slowed-down sound and light waves, a walking bundle of frequencies tuned into the cosmos.”

What does this mean for us in the field of flower essences? Along with homeopathic remedies, flower essences have been accused of being placebo, incapable of having any effect as they consist of ‘nothing’.  The sceptics have dismissed their effectiveness as impossible on the basis that, containing no molecules of any active ingredients, they can have no effect.  Their argument is deeply rooted in the old Newtonian science that only physical items can affect something physical such as the human body; if there’s no physical mass, there’s no existence.

Quantum physics provides a different answer.  It tells us that ‘mass is nothing but a form of energy’[5]. Particles are not things but processes or happenings. Nothing exists without having an (energetic) effect on something (or everything) else;[6] even observing an experiment while it’s underway will affect the outcome.

Compared to other life-forms, human senses are very restricted, we only see 5% of everything there is. But even though we can’t sense them, we are still subject to the universe’s energy fields. We know for instance that some vibrations can affect us: other people’s grumpiness, menace, or fear etc is palpable.

What we’re less conscious of is the energetic vibration of ‘wholeness’, which exists in everything because it’s the ‘law’ of the universe[7]. So when we are in close proximity to a vibration which is in tune with the Infinite we cannot help but feel the effect. If our individual wholeness is temporarily depleted by anger, say, the loss can often be restored by anything that is essentially Wholeness – beauty in any form, the natural world, music, a flower remedy. (Whole and healing stem from the same word.) It’s as though we are each an orchestra and if the second violin is absent, the energy field of the flower remedies flows into the empty space and makes us complete. If the cello is out of tune, Beech floods in … Nothing exists separately from us; everything, including humanity, is part of the energy called Unity.

“The development of love brings us to the realisation of Unity, of the Truth that one and all of us are of the one great Creation,” Dr Bach wrote. And also, ”We each have a Divine mission in this world, and our souls use our minds and our bodies as instruments to do this work, so that when all these are working in unison the result is perfect health and perfect happiness.”[8]

Unity, health, happiness – what we do for ourselves (with the aid of flower remedies) we do for everyone. That’s our real work, and quantum physics demonstrates how in lifting our own vibrations we are able to raise those of all living things, ultimately to the benefit of the entire world.


For further (easy) reading on quantum theory and energy medicines, read Biology of  Belief by Bruce Lipton or The Basic Code of the Universe by Massimo Citro.

[1] David Tong’s lecture, Quantum Fields: the real building blocks of the Universe, on YouTube

[2] “Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real.” Niels Bohr, atomic physicist

[3] “[Newton and Descartes] attempted to place ‘man’ at the centre of the stage… to prove to him that he need not be a bystander in a world governed by unfathomable forces.” The dancing Wu Li masters, Gary Zukav

[4] “Quantum theory thus reveals a basic oneness of the universe.” Fritjof Capra, The Tao of Physics

 [5] Fritjof Capra.  Also “… mass, according to Einstein’s special theory of relativity is energy and energy is mass.” The Dancing Wu Li Masters by Gary Zukav.

[6] “The properties of a particle can only be understood in terms of… its interaction with the surrounding environment and … cannot be seen as an isolated entity but … an integrated part of the whole.” The Tao of Physics

[7] Ultimately, the entire universe… has to be understood as a single undivided whole.” David Bohm, theoretical physicist.

[8] Free Thyself, chapter 2.

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