Saturday, June 24, 2023

Rock Rose for panic

Cartoon used with permission of Jonny Hawkins

 Rock Rose is for the ‘panic button’ feeling of fear. As Mechthild Scheffer puts it, “The state has been aptly described as ‘a punch in the stomach,’ for the solar plexus has been overstrained … the central nervous system is unable to cope.”  

We have all experienced the terror – such as during a road accident – where we know we are so close to panic we doubt if we can prevent it from taking over. This is when we need Rock Rose and why it is one of the five essences in the crisis formula (eg Rescue Remedy).

The rock rose flower itself demonstrates the condition of being almost at the point of collapse.  It only needs an insect to land on it and the flower head falls over.  It has a frail grip on life – each flower only lasts a day and its petals often fall by noon. It is almost as though, as Julian Barnard has said*, it hovers between life and death; as ready to leave this life as we would be in facing a bomb attack or a gun massacre.  Anytime we are panicked beyond thinking clearly or rationally, the Rock Rose essence is helpful, including when someone wakes up terrified from a nightmare.

But the fact that the rock rose plant thrives on shallow chalky soil with little water and few nutrients demonstrates its huge tenacity for life, a strength and courage in the face of adversity – and these are the blessings it bestows on us when we take the Rock Rose Flower Remedy.

*References: Julian Barnard on the Healing Herbs website; Mechthild Scheffer in Bach Flower Therapy.

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