Monday, November 9, 2020

Blown off your course?


Which do you find controls your life, tides or winds?

Tides are eternal, marking the duality of existence: ebb and flood.  Breathing in and out.  Endings and beginnings. 

When tides affect our life there is a destiny to them and we learn not to resist, but to float, carried on their surface to the next safe strand.

Winds can blow us off course if we let them.  If we ride the tide correctly the wind will affect us but little.  We just let the storm blow over our heads.

When the tide is determined to advance or retreat, no amount of wind will make it change direction.


(Photos: Ally Matson)

The Bach Flower Remedies help us to keep our heads above water.  Taking the appropriate remedies restores our buoyancy, our ability to cope with whatever comes our way.  Waves are there to test our strength, our resilience and stability.  They are mentors not opponents: from them we learn how well we are doing, and how much we have yet to learn.

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