Friday, November 27, 2020

Remedies for Anxiety and Fear

Remedies for Anxiety and Fear

Whichever country you live in, there are grounds for fear, anxiety and trepidation.  Coronavirus may be the foremost worry for many at present, with its implications for families, jobs, sick pay and so on, but in every country there are fearsome problems and national catastrophes to deal with: political, economic, environmental, humanitarian etc.

A 2018 survey found that three-quarters of people in the UK have experienced anxiety over the last year such that they felt overwhelmed, with 1 in 3 feeling suicidal and 1 in 6 had self-harmed.  As many as 84% in the 16-24 year old category were so worried that they felt unable to cope with life.  In 2016 another report discovered that 77% of Americans believed the world had become a more frightening place in the last 10 years.*  I expect there are similar statistics recorded in many other countries.

In this maelstrom of impending doom I am reminded of the true story told by Carl Jung, of a Taoist monk called in to cure a local drought.  After 3 days of his self-isolated, meditative presence, the rain fell at last.  His explanation was that he had felt a lack of balance on his arrival, but once he was back in balance, equilibrium – and therefore rain – was restored all round. **

I’m not for one minute suggesting that monks, meditation or the Bach flower remedies can cure the parlous state of the world at present.  But it is worth remembering that when we take the remedies we need – maybe Mimulus, Red Chestnut or Rock Rose currently – we bring ourselves back into balance and that effect ripples outwards.

When we are frightened, either for ourselves or our loved ones, only negative energy is generated.  When we are in balance, those around us feel the benefit, they feel more secure, and are more likely to consider taking the remedies themselves.

By ourselves, not one of us can change the state of the world, however much we might wish to, but  we can change ourselves, our thoughts and outlook.  It is in the nature of energy and consciousness that all these little bits add up and become unstoppable.  Therefore if we can remain calm and balanced with the help of the flower remedies, we’ll not only help those around us, but the good vibrations will gradually spread out into the world and manifest eventually as change for the better.


* Quoted by Rob Hopkins in his book, From What Is to What If.



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