Thursday, January 14, 2021

How to see a future

“People talk about caterpillars becoming butterflies as though they just go into a cocoon, slip on wings and are good to go.  Caterpillars have to dissolve into a disgusting pile of goo to become butterflies.  So if you’re a mess wrapped up in blankets right now, keep going.”  ~ Jennifer Wright

We all know there’s a metaphor for personal growth in the idea of a caterpillar becoming a butterfly, but this quote gives a rather different angle on it.  Which Bach flower essence first came to your mind?  It made me think of Mustard, the remedy for the sudden descent of a black cloud: as though we’re almost drowning in a sea of thick, dark mud.

When we need Mustard, we don’t know where this gloom comes from.  The feeling may last a few hours or a few days but then suddenly lift.  (Of course if it lasts much longer or occurs frequently, you should seek medical help in case something more serious is implicated.)  

Whilst in a negative Mustard state, we can’t pay attention to anything – which is why it is in the group ‘Insufficient Interest in Present Circumstances.’  It is impossible to talk ourselves out of it, and all our go-to solutions which often help – meditation, listening to music, walks in the country and so on – will not lift a Mustard mood either. 

In this black state we are focused entirely inwardly.  We know we are imprisoned and we can’t concentrate on anyone or anything outside of ourselves.  When at last we are free, oh the joy of release!  We can relate to other people, and normal life seems worthwhile again.  Who knows, maybe sometimes we have to suffer the isolation of the negative Mustard state to remind us how important is our connection to other people, and the invaluable role we play in their lives.


“You are more than a bad month.  You are a future of multifarious possibility.  You are another self at a point in future time, looking back in gratitude that this lost and former you held on.”  Matt Haig.


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