The black cloud of gloom which descends for no reason is the emotional state we all associate with the need for Mustard. Dr Bach says in The Twelve Healers it hides the light and joy of life. It’s not the depression which arises from a known cause (and may need Gentian or Gorse perhaps) but inexplicably arrives out of nowhere.
In a Mustard state we are focused inwardly, entirely on
ourselves. Our vibration is so low we
send no light out into the world. We’re
like a black hole in outer space: no light can emanate. When we’re in such a dark place it’s easy to believe
that all light has vanished. But it is always present, it’s just that our eyes
(on the physical plane), our souls on an emotional plane, are not ‘tuned in’ to
receive it.
Only a sculptor like Michelangelo could see a block of
marble for what it really was: “I saw the angel in the marble and carved until
I set him free.” Light and darkness are a bit like that: we see a block of
darkness and believe that’s all it is and all it ever will be. But when we have
taken Mustard (or do not need it) the darkness is merely light in an
undifferentiated state.
Darkness doesn’t mask, subjugate, or quench light, it is a
form of light that is incomprehensible to our eyes, to our emotions in a
particular mood. “And the light shineth
in the darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.” (John 1:5) Some translators consider that means the
darkness fails to understand light. But
in reality it means that darkness cannot engulf light, cannot seize hold of it
as though it were prey and swallow it.
Darkness is merely a primeval, low-quality manifestation of
light. When we are feeling gloomy we are like the Brightness slider on a photo
editor – we have moved too far in one direction.
So bear that in mind the next time you are mysteriously,
illogically, so depressed that all you can see is darkness. Remember light is
life, it exists everywhere at all times and Mustard will restore your ability
to see it, bringing you –– en-lighten-ment …
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